Wednesday 29 October 2014

Quick view on mens high-end perfume market

17:00 Posted by Mupela No comments

The high-end perfume market has no absence of specialised men's perfume brands, such as CK, Hugo Boss. While on the mass market, there are Adidas colognes, Gillette colognes etc.

China has a rich history with men's fragrances, with modern times seeing cologne step into the vanguard of men's fragrances. Today, Armani, Gucci and other brands continue to launch a series of men's fragrances.

In department stores and shopping malls, there are emerging more and more perfume cabinets and perfume zones. CK, Hugo Boss and Burberry have a strong presence in worldwide shopping malls.

However, there is still a gap between the spending on high-end men's perfume and women's fragrances. The current proportion of men's fragrance consumption is still lower than female consumption.

Friday 24 October 2014

The Fragrance Market

14:30 Posted by Mupela No comments

The global perfume market is expected to reach a value of roughly $45.6(£29.10)billion by 2018, driven primarily by growth expected in the under-penetrated emerging markets and innovative product launches, according to a recent report.

The current value of sales has had a large increase of 8% since 2010, which has caused a growth in sales within the perfumery economy. For example, a lot of beauty retailers account for 42% of the fragrance sales, leaving Department stores to sell only 19%; leaving 39% to the individual brand itself.

According to the report, the scenario is however set to change with men's fragrance segment beginning to witness strong growth patterns, as the importance of grooming tops the list of men's priorities. For the men's market, typically the market was confined to the after-shave fragrances. But now, the cards are being turned and men's fragrances for specific occasions are witnessing huge growth, holding the promise of emerging into a mainstay market.

Legal analysis of the cosmetics industry

07:32 Posted by Mupela No comments
Legal factors include employment regulations, competitive regulations, health and safety regulations, product regulation ant etc. These factors can affect an organization in many ways such as how a company operates, its costs and also the demand for its products. In recent years UK there have been many changes in legal regulation changes that affects the firm’s behaviour

1.1 consumer law
When it comes to consumer law it includes three main acts, they are
The sale of Goods act which will give you a range of rights when you buy something in the current market. This act includes the right product quality of a product and any product you purchase should fit your purpose of buying.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Political analysis of the cosmetic industry

21:30 Posted by Mupela No comments

2.1 European Cosmetics Regulations 1223/2009

Political aspects can be explained as what degree a particular government intervenes in the economy of a country. In particular this includes areas like:
  • Political stability
  • Legal framework for contract enforcement.
  • Pricing regulations
  • Taxation and etc.

When we speak about the cosmetic industry in UK the European Cosmetics Regulations 1223/2009 is very important as it contains all the regulations that a cosmetic industry should follow in order to stay active in the current UK market. This was published in the official journal of the European union which was signed on 30 November 2009 by the president of European parliament and the council ministers (journal citing********). This regulations includes the following:
  • Scope , Definitions
  • Safety, Responsibility, Free movement of goods
  • Safety assessment, product information file, Notification
  • Restrictions for specific substances
  • Animal testing
  • Consumer information
  • In market control
  • Non-compliance, Safeguard clause
  • Co-operation between competent authorities
  • Implementing measure, Final provisions

Wednesday 8 October 2014

ROUGE by Rihanna Ad banned!

20:00 Posted by Mupela No comments

in recent news Rihanna's latest perfume release ad got banned by U.K.’s Advertising Standards Authority as they have deemed a poster advertisement for Rihanna’s “Rogue” perfume ad simply too gosh darn sexy for youngsters’ eyes. 

the advert apparently received a complaint about it being “sexualized and provocative” as well as demeaning to women and inappropriate for children. ”While we did not consider the image to be overtly sexual, we considered that Rihanna’s pose, with her legs raised in the air, was provocative,” the ASA claims. “Because of this, and the fact that Rihanna appeared to be naked except for high heels, we concluded that the ad was sexually suggestive and should have been given a placement restriction to reduce the possibility of it being seen by children.”

I am struggling to understand why the ad got banned as I have come across much more scandalous perfume adverts on the internet! 

Thursday 2 October 2014


14:55 Posted by Mupela No comments
“There should be no boundaries – I learnt that from Comme des Garçons” - 

Pharrell Williams

When he was young, he used Ralph Laurent’s Polo for which he says it was "really cool" at that time. Later he used Dior’s Fahrenheit because it was so different from other fragrance at that time, and after it, during 15 years he did not wear any perfumes at all – he stated for WWD. The meeting that took place 4 or 5 years ago in Basel (at Art Basel) with Sarah Andelman, founder and creative director of Parisian Colette made him think differently about fragrances. During greetings and embrace he smelled the perfume she was wearing and asked her what that scent was, and she answered it was Wonderwood by CDG. From that moment on, Pharrell has been, as he says himself, in love with Comme des Garcons!