Wednesday 8 October 2014

ROUGE by Rihanna Ad banned!

20:00 Posted by Mupela No comments

in recent news Rihanna's latest perfume release ad got banned by U.K.’s Advertising Standards Authority as they have deemed a poster advertisement for Rihanna’s “Rogue” perfume ad simply too gosh darn sexy for youngsters’ eyes. 

the advert apparently received a complaint about it being “sexualized and provocative” as well as demeaning to women and inappropriate for children. ”While we did not consider the image to be overtly sexual, we considered that Rihanna’s pose, with her legs raised in the air, was provocative,” the ASA claims. “Because of this, and the fact that Rihanna appeared to be naked except for high heels, we concluded that the ad was sexually suggestive and should have been given a placement restriction to reduce the possibility of it being seen by children.”

I am struggling to understand why the ad got banned as I have come across much more scandalous perfume adverts on the internet! 


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