Thursday 23 October 2014

Political analysis of the cosmetic industry

21:30 Posted by Mupela No comments

2.1 European Cosmetics Regulations 1223/2009

Political aspects can be explained as what degree a particular government intervenes in the economy of a country. In particular this includes areas like:
  • Political stability
  • Legal framework for contract enforcement.
  • Pricing regulations
  • Taxation and etc.

When we speak about the cosmetic industry in UK the European Cosmetics Regulations 1223/2009 is very important as it contains all the regulations that a cosmetic industry should follow in order to stay active in the current UK market. This was published in the official journal of the European union which was signed on 30 November 2009 by the president of European parliament and the council ministers (journal citing********). This regulations includes the following:
  • Scope , Definitions
  • Safety, Responsibility, Free movement of goods
  • Safety assessment, product information file, Notification
  • Restrictions for specific substances
  • Animal testing
  • Consumer information
  • In market control
  • Non-compliance, Safeguard clause
  • Co-operation between competent authorities
  • Implementing measure, Final provisions


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