Sunday 30 November 2014

Eau Sauvage // Instagram video sneak peaks

07:11 Posted by Mupela No comments
To promote the new campaign for Eau Sauvage I will be releasing several sneak peaks of the new viral video for Eau Sauvage. Each video is optimised for Instagram platform, each video will be 10seconds or less. 

viral marketing can help businesses achieve the following:
  • Immediate visitors
  • Long term visitors
  • Causes exponential growth - reaches a large audience
  • Automate your marketing methods - set it up once and forget about it
  • Inexpensive compared to other advertising methods 
  • Quickly and effectively build your reputation
  • Easy to integrate with other marketing methods - i.e. include as a bonus with other products
  • Increase targeted traffic to your web site

Friday 28 November 2014

Dior vs 1 Million

04:38 Posted by Mupela No comments

After research I found out that 1 Million is the most popular fragrance in Europe for men. Ranking high in the top 5 charts in every major european country. Comparing it to Eau Sauvage which is mainly popular in France, it only came 4th compared to 1 Million which was ranked 1st. 

Thursday 27 November 2014

Eau Sauvage Product Purchase Bag // Touch Point 4

05:01 Posted by Mupela No comments
Every store that will be selling the Eau Sauvage products will be given a new purchase bag exclusively for Eau Sauvage. 

The bag will be made out of paper bag material, the bag can be reused and it will be easily recyclable. 
the bag is a simplistic and elegant design which relates back to the simplistic and elegant essence of the Eau Sauvage fragrance. 

The importance of packaing
  • Eye-catching appearance A distinctive, unmistakable and eye-catching appearance is a signal at the POS to which all consumers and particularly the younger ones respond positively. Whatever stands out clearly in the monotonous competitive environment, whatever is surprising scores points with the consumer. Special effort makes a special impression - and is allowed to cost more too. 

  • Design, shape and colour The purpose of well-considered design, creative printing and finishing is to entice the consumer to devote attention to the pack and its contents at the POS. Aesthetics and attractiveness are major distinctive features

Product packaging plays an important role in the marketing miximpo

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Banned Eau Sauvage Commercial

13:00 Posted by Mupela No comments
Just like print campaigns some video adverts get banned also. This commercial got banned due to its sexualisation and false advertising that dripping some perfume on your head will attract females so instantly. I guess somebody tried it and it failed so...

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Eau Sauvage Film Ads

09:30 Posted by Mupela No comments
As research for my own eau sausage project I took to looking at some existing commercials that where on the internet. I managed to find a few which all seem to have one theme around them, sexual attraction.

Eau Sauvage Store Window Display // Touch Point 3

04:54 Posted by Mupela No comments
the single and most important reason is to engage and inspire shoppers, to encourage them to buy more of the products you want them to, increasing your sales, margin and return on space. The exterior of the premises will be instantly appealing with clear, consistent branding applied to Eau Sauvage's signage. 

Customers have only a few seconds to view and be attracted by the displays so i wanted to keep the design simple, bold and uncluttered. Cluttered, stale, or badly organised displays, are liable to do the exact opposite and turn those potential customers away.

On the day of the event at the Dior store in Conduit street, a new window display will revealed. It will have to flat street televisions which will play the full fashion film made for Eau Sauvage on loop.The wall paper behind the screens will be a print of the bottles pattern but will have lights glowing in the background to give it a shining effect like the bottle. the side walls will be painted in the same color scheme as the bottle. the floor will be a mirror which will reflect the entire display which will also add light to the display. the roof will be of dark grey.

Monday 24 November 2014

My Eau Sauvage Print Campaign

07:07 Posted by Mupela No comments
this here is the final outcome of my print campaign. The images where taken and edited by me. 
a simplistic and elegant aesthetic.