Tuesday 11 November 2014

Eau Sauvage Instagram // Touch Point 1

04:47 Posted by Mupela No comments

My 1st Touch Point in support to my Eau Sauvage campaign is an Instagram dedicated to just Eau Sauvage. I decided to do this rather than using Dior's Instagram as I wanted the attention to be focused on Eau Sauvage. I want my target audience to have direct access to anything related to Eau Sauvage on the their feed rather than having posts which may be irrelevant to them being shown if they just followed Dior's Instagram page.

Social media can do a lot for a brand like an increase in brand recognition. Every opportunity you have to syndicate your content and increase your visibility is valuable. Your social media networks are just new channels for your brand’s voice and content. This is important because it simultaneously makes you easier and more accessible for new customers, and makes you more familiar and recognizable for existing customers. another benefit is More Opportunities to Convert. Every post you make on a social media platform is an opportunity for customers to convert. When you build a following, you’ll simultaneously have access to new customers, recent customers, and old customers, and you’ll be able to interact with all of them. 


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